Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sunshine on a Rainy Day

A winter wonderland of snow is wonderful.  A winter of gray drizzle and slush is not.  Today I found a bit of "sunshine" in my patent leather red Danskos and my new french press that Jona brought home from his morning walk (thanks babe!).  One must find ways to make it through the long winter (can you tell I was raised in California?!).


  1. Ooohhh, those are some snazzy Danskos! And you know how I feel about good coffee too. ; )

  2. Mmmmm yummy! BOTH. :) *LOVE* those red Danskos. VERY CUTE!

  3. oh i absolutely love both! I need a french press too - they make everyday better! :) and LOVE the danskos. esp since they have straps.

  4. The shoes are fantastic! I'm wishing I had a pair of those beauties. Love the Bodum french press and couldn't do without it, such a life least for this mama of two :)

  5. Love the patent red...super cute!! (I have 2 pairs of this style of Danskos...but have kicked myself for not getting the patent red!)
